Thursday, July 22, 2010

Peas and Carrots

Last week we attended a Rock show by Peas and Carrots a local rock Band from Bangalore. They were playing at reliance Time out at their annual Rock Fest. .

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I was their at the show with the Kids. They enjoyed it to some extent but I enjoyed it more. Especially the older numbers from Beatles & Simon & Garfunkel.

Siddarth has a great voice and he came up with some excellent guitaring. One of the renditions by sheela was supperb. dont remember the song. Claude was great on the Keyboard - providing some cool accponiment.

Want to Thank Reliance Timeout for coming up with this format. Great to get to listen to some wondeful home grown talent.

Peas and carrots - Wish you all the best

Hope to catch you guys at your next show.

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