Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sir Richard Branson

For Long I have wanted to write a post on Richard Branson. Honestly I feel he doesn'nt need a title.
Came across an intersting quote and a great snap with him on center stage as usual - & I thought why not Now? 

He made a very straight forward analysis of the UK economy , which holds quite well for India Also. What is really endearing about him that he doesnt mince words. You can read the full article here.

Coming to the snap above that is Branson Polishing the shoes of Guy Kawasaki - a kind of expert on Social Media. I dont have the details of why he did so. But, hats off to his attitude. A multi Billionaire Businessman who doesnt mind fooling around in Public. He is Different. 

A couple of other links 

1) A Promo of Virgin Galactic

2) Branson talks about Small Businesses Entrepreneur